Typical symptoms of a fever
When you have a fever, you usually feel bad and you have the following symptoms in particular:
chills and/or teeth chattering
increased heart rate and blood pressure
reduced appetite
muscle or joint pain
Is fever dangerous?
As already said, fever is a signal, not the disease itself. Fever is rather the manifestation of a defense mechanism against disease.
Fever, as long as the temperature does not rise too much, is not harmful to the body or the brain. If the body can eliminate heat, the temperature rarely exceeds 41°C.
In addition, the degree of fever says little about the severity of the disease. Just like the duration of the fever.
Why try to lower body temperature?
When the fever is not bothersome or it is not too high, it is advisable to first resort to non-drug means before administering a drug to lower the body temperature.
The primary objective of such medication is not to lower body temperature but to improve general well-being (better sleep, eat and drink), to speed up recovery and to prevent complications, such as febrile seizures.